Liaison Workforce on NHS death in service
The Scottish Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman, has confirmed that all temporary, NHS Bank, NHS Locum and GP Locum staff are fully covered by the coronavirus related NHS death in service provision, even if they do not have an NHS Pension Scheme.
A total lump sum of twice the staff member’s annual earnings and continued survivor entitlements will be provided in the event of a death in service as a result of Covid-19. This benefit will be available immediately and backdated if necessary.
The majority of NHS workers are already eligible for this through their NHS Pension Scheme membership, but the Health Secretary has ensured that all NHS staff, including locum staff, who provide frontline services will be covered for the duration of this crisis.
This follows confirmation by Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, of the same provision earlier this week for locum staff in England. Ms. Freeman said; “This will ensure all staff have peace of mind as they continue to deliver the expert care for which we are all grateful.”
To find out more, please visit the Scottish Government website.