COVID-19 Resources for the NHS
Our services and systems remain fully operational during the current coronavirus pandemic. Our teams are working from home and are ready to provide any assistance you may need.
We’ve designed this hub to share best practice, useful guides and trusted expertise to help NHS organisations navigate the coronavirus pandemic. As time is scarce and precious, we wanted to ensure that your trust or health board can obtain the support it needs quickly and in one place.
To suggest topics or share your organisation’s best practice for dealing with Covid-19, please contact us at COVID19@liaisongroupold.com
In this section

We’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions from candidates, suppliers and NHS organisations around items such as booking reasons, commission rates and SSP entitlements here.
News and Views
We’re keeping a close eye on events in the news as they unfold, and will be providing commentary on any potential impact they may have on your NHS organisation, as well as signposts to documents that may support you.
HMRC Release New Dates for CHIEF Phase Out
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Workforce Planning “At The Heart of Solution” to Burnout
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
Liaison Group named the 85th Best Large Company to Work For in the UK
Friday, 21 May 2021
New video series provides platform to share ideas and innovation
Monday, 17 May 2021
More than £1.7billion spent on agency staff by NHS trusts in first three-quarters of 2020-21
Friday, 30 April 2021
We understand that things are changing, and quickly. In this section, we’ll be providing up to date downloads, help sheets and resources where possible to enable your trust or health board to obtain the support it needs quickly and in one place.

NHS: Opportunity for a New Normal
We have seen Covid-19 significantly change the way organisations are approaching their workforce and the NHS and health sector is no exception. As cases continue to rise, the adaptation of new technologies, as well as increased remote and flexible working, has been critical in creating a ‘new normal’.
We’ve created a downloadable guide about what this ‘new normal’ means within the health sector and how this could be an opportunity for the NHS, start reading now.
For technical support the support desk is the quickest route for assistance: 0845 603 9000
If you’d like to get in touch with regards any support Liaison Group can provide you with, please fill out your details here and a member of the team will call you back as soon as possible.