The CHC COVID-19 challenge
Our COVID-19 delivery team can help you to clear the backlog of CHC reviews left in the wake of the pandemic, and have the skills and expertise to do so quickly and efficiently, helping your team to get back to business as usual.
It is anticipated that there will be three workstreams that will contribute to backlogs totalling over 60,000 cases across England. Many of them are unlikely to be eligible for Continuing Healthcare (CHC), but will still require an assessment. Hospital discharges and CHC referrals are likely to make up the bulk of the backlog but existing CHC reviews, that have not been completed during this period, will also contribute to the challenges facing Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) an their CHC teams.

Evolving, transforming and getting back to business as usual
In order to address the core issues facing CHC services in 2020 and beyond, CHC teams need to transform and look for trusted partners to develop better ways of working. Partners who can lighten the load, support teams to flatten the curve and reduce the impact of the pandemic in this evolving world. Moving beyond the current conditions will be a challenge for many CCGs. We believe there are better ways of getting back to business as usual and minimising the long-term impact of COVID-19.

We have a team ready to support you!
Our COVID-19 delivery team is overseen by a Clinical Director with over 35 years’ experience as a director-level social worker, and a Strategic Advisor who has managed CHC at a local CCG level and more recently been the National Director of the NHSE SIP programme, giving you the reassurance that your organisation will be in highly experienced hands with Liaison Care.

Services and solutions
The services offered by Liaison Care are designed to help CCGs to develop their CHC Recovery Plan and support them in the transition period from emergency response to business as usual. The aim is to minimise the impact of the emergency period, reduce the pressure on CCGs and reduce the cost to the NHS.
The five benefits of using Liaison Care’s COVID-19 recovery services:
1. Speed of completion
You need to get reviews started immediately, and we can help. We will also complete reviews quicker than the CCG, with little disruption to your core business.
This will mean the transfer of cases from the COVID-19 Emergency Fund will be achieved more quickly and therefore increase the savings to the NHS.
- For each month a case is completed before 31 March 2021, a saving of £4,333 is achieved for the NHS.
- For 100 cases completed by the end of February 2021, this would mean a saving of £433,000.
- For 100 cases completed by the end of January 2021, a substantial saving of £866,000 would be realised.
Liaison Care can schedule your reviews over four months, leading to all cases being removed from the COVID-19 funding by 31 March 2021 – a saving of over £1.2million for the NHS.
*Assumptions. The average cost per week of £1000 per patient per week, based on ONS statistics.
2. Guaranteed Quality
At Liaison Care, we have a dedicated Quality Assurance Team who will review each case and the supporting evidence. They will certify compliance with the National Framework and Guidance, and will also check the report and recommended outcome prior to delivery to the CCG.
The QA Team will also review a sample of calls to ensure that they are of the highest quality. A sample of providers and individuals will be contacted for feedback, which will be included in the final report.
Our QA Team includes Senior CHC Nurses and Allied Health professionals with many years’ experience of working in CHC.
3. Validation
On a weekly basis, we will validate the reviews completed to ensure that they are of the highest standards and that the evidence we have supports the recommendation.
This process can include the CCG and the local authority representative, and once validated, Liaison Care can also send out the letters to the individuals and provider confirming the outcome of the review.
We believe that this robust process will avoid the complaints and appeals that can sometimes be associated with third-party organisations and agency staff working on behalf of CCGs.
4. Excellent Reputation
Our commitment to quality and excellence is supported by the feedback we receive from our clients. As a trusted partner of NHS England, we are committed to supporting CCGs through our partnership approach.
We continue to be recognised for the excellent support, expert knowledge and advice we provide to CCGs along with our practical and innovative solutions.
5. Value for money – over 30% savings on operational costs
In addition to the savings made by quick completion, your CCG can also complete its backlog of deferred assessment and three and 12 month reviews at over 30% less cost than if using agency or contract workers.
Find out more
Complete this form to obtain further information on getting expert support with your COVID-19 recovery planning and reducing the pressure on your team.