Umbrella vs PAYE calculator

This simplified calculator is designed to help temporary NHS workers estimate the differences in their final payslip when switching from an umbrella company paying PAYE to being paid directly as a PAYE worker by an NHS trust or health board.

This calculator allows workers to enter their hourly rate and umbrella cost to give a guide to how much take home the worker can expect to receive.

Values are also visually compared to how they appear on the TempRE system, so any user who is a candidate on this platform can see how this will appear both in their payslip and on the electronic booking platform.

All values are estimates ONLY and are based on the basic Tax and NI rates as correct at time of publishing 2019. Tax and NI rates will vary dependant on your tax code and individual circumstances so this should only be used as a comparison. *Tax and NI codes are not affected by payment type, Umbrella or PAYE.

This is not an exhaustive list of deductions and student loan payments may be applicable. Pension contributions may also affect this total. Umbrella companies may operate differently to that shown in this example. For full and complete financial advice you should speak to your accountant.